Why you should visit Israel
Everyone visits Israel for different reasons. Why are you coming? What do you want to get out of this trip? How will this visit alter your own personal narrative? As a rabbi, teacher and educator, with decades of rich experience mentoring groups, individuals and families, I look forward to hearing from you and helping to craft an unforgettable and personally designed experience in Israel. I specialize in working with individuals, families and communities visiting Israel in order to explore the meaning of this place in their lives. Since taking my first youth group in Israel as a guide in 1980, I have worked extensively with Jews and Christians, as well as with people of other traditions from all over the world.

Jerusalem Tours
Explore at Your Own Pace, According to your own interests.

Ed's Favorite Quote:
Jerusalem is a seesaw: Sometimes I go down, to past generations and sometimes up, into the sky...
לפעמים אני יורד לתוך הדורות שהיו ולפעמים אני עולה לשמים
Yehuda Amichai
Ed Snitkoff יצחק סניטקוף
Licensed Professional Tour Guide
Rabbi, Master Educator and Storyteller
I am an engaging guide/teacher who balances history, culture and spirit. Our time together can include spiritual insights, historical connections and natural wonders. There will also be some serious moments (Israel is a serious place, after all) that you will take home with you.
Below are a number of articles I wrote (and materials I gathered) over the years that you may find interesting:
Walking Tour of The Horns of Hattin Battlefield (PDF)
The Land of Israel in Rabbinic Literature
Secular Zionism: From Religious Idea to Secular Ideology
The Jewish Connection to Jerusalem
The Religious Status of Yom Haatzmaut
Helping Christians Discover Their Roots
Praying for the Welfare of the State of Israel
Gush Emunim: Settling All the Land
Learning Materials: A Tour of the Galil
Learning Materials: The Dead Sea
You can view a number of short videos I created during the years of Covid and see some new places in Israel. My amateur video editing skills do improve as time goes on!!
If you are interested in an amazing tour in Israel- enriching, interactive, engaging and custom-made, let's have a conversation to see if I can offer what you are looking for.
I am originally from Brooklyn, N.Y., and live today in Jerusalem. Over the past 40 years, I served as a congregational rabbi, teacher, religious school principal, camp educator/director, and Israel tour guide. I am a graduate of Columbia University and The Jewish Theological Seminary in New York. I also studied in Teacher's College, Hebrew University and the Jordan Valley College. I received my tour guide license from the Israel Ministry of Tourism in 1998.
In the years before moving to Israel, I served for 6 years as rabbi and religious school principal of Chisuk Emuna Congregation in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
In 1992, we settled on Kibbutz Lavi and lived there as members for 8 years (I am actually an expert Raftan/Dairy Farmer, and have milked 300 cows, by myself, on many mornings). As a member of Kibbutz Lavi, I trained as a professional tour guide and established an education center for groups of all faiths and backgrounds.
After moving to Jerusalem, I served as the Educational Director of the Young Judaea Year Course (which I attended in 1975), and Educational Coordinator for North America at the Jewish Agency for Israel. Over the years I have also trained hundreds of tour guides as a teacher in the Israeli Ministry of Tourism's Tour Guide Course.
Most recently, I had the wonderful opportunity to serve as director of the Ramah Israel Seminar for 11 years. I continue to work with Ramah Israel as educator and consultant.
In addition to my work within the Jewish community, I enjoy guiding and teaching Christian groups interested in exploring the Jewish Roots of Christianity in the Land of Israel. I earned a certificate as a Specialist in Christianity.
I am married to Minda, a Community Health Nurse and certified practitioner of Spiritual Care (Israeli version of Chaplaincy ליווי רוחני). We are blessed with 4 grown children and 5 wonderful grandchildren, all living in Israel.
I am also a Tuba player. Long story...

Tour Jerusalem Virtually with Ed. Videos were prepared for AMI- The Jerusalem Center for Biblical Studies and Research